You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.

Direct deposit pay advice from 2002 for Joseph B. Wirthlin

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Internal infographic that outlines the financial benefits for Mission Presidents

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Note from the MormonLeaks Team:  The complete Mission Presidents manual was leaked a few years ago and can be seen here Refer to Appendix B of the manual for an outline of the financial benefits designated for Mission Presidents.  Today’s leaked infographic largely draws from the same information, however, there are a few points the infographic has that are not contained in the Mission Presidents manual.  Most notably is the instruction to not tell the Area Authorities about these financial arrangements.

A financial report from October 2000 for the Polynesian Cultural Center

Document here

Instructions for how to deal with budget surplus at the stake level.

Document here

Audit report for a Stake in Utah

Document here

Line item budget for a video production

Document here

Services contracted by Kirton McConkie on behalf of the Church.

Document here

Audio recording from a sacrament meeting where M. Russell Ballard spoke along with David Archuleta and Savannah Stevenson.  At 14:42 Ballard can be heard praising some women from the early days of the church for ignoring their priesthood leaders (After Savannah Stevenson tells the story).  At 41:58 Ballard tells the crowd that one cannot truly celebrate Christmas without expressing gratitude for Joseph Smith.

Audio here