MormonLeaks Donation Drive

You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.

MormonLeaks was founded on the belief that increased transparency within the Mormon Church results in fewer untruths, less corruption, and less abuse within Mormonism. We provide sources and whistleblowers the technical ability to anonymously submit sensitive documents for starting and expanding news reporting, public commentary, and criticism related to Mormonism. It’s a group worth supporting. Over the past six months, MormonLeaks has helped generate substantial discussion related to questionable financial practices, sexual abuse within Mormonism, LGBT rights, women’s rights, and the inner workings of the Mormon Church. It has also successfully defended fair use claims and stood up for the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment.

MormonLeaks contributors do not receive paid compensation for their hours of work each week. But to keep the operation running smoothly — and to cover our hard costs such web hosting, hardware, and legal fees — we rely on donations from people like you.

If any of this content or public commentary has benefited you or your family, please consider making a donation today at

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